Previous ISA Workshops
ISA-20 (@LREC-COLING 2024, Turin, Italy)
ISA-19 (@IWCS 2023, Nancy, France)
ISA-18 (@LREC 2022, Marseille)
ISA-17 (@IWCS 2021, online)
ISA-16 (@LREC 2020, virtual)
ISA-15 (Gothenburg, 2019)
ISA-14 (Santa Fe (NM), 2018)
ISA-13 (Montpellier, 2017)
ISA-12 (Portoroz, 2016)
ISA-11 (London, 2015)
ISA-10 (Reykjavik, 2014)
ISA-9 (Potsdam, 2013)
ISA-8 (Pisa, 2012)
ISA-7 (Istanbul, 2012)
ISA-6 (Oxford, 2011)
ISA-5 (Hong Kong, 2010)
ISA-4 (Tilburg, 2009)
ISA-3 (Marina del Rey, 2008)
ISA-2 (Tilburg, 2007)
ISA-1 (Tilburg, 2005)
Welcome to ISA-21, the Twenty-first Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation. This is the 2025 edition of a series of joint workshops of the ACL Special Interest Group on Computational Semantics (SIGSEM) and ISO TC 37/SC 4 (Language Resources) WG 2: Semantic annotation.
These workshops bring together researchers who produce or consume annotations of semantic information as expressed in text, speech, gestures, graphics, video, images, and in multiple modalities combined. Examples of semantic annotation include the markup of events, time, space, dialogue acts, discourse relations, semantic roles, coreference, quantification, visualisation and motion, and people and objects participating in activities and events. The ISO organization pursues the establishment of standardised annotation methods and representation schemes for these and related areas, in support of the creation of interoperable semantic resources.
The ISA workshops provide a forum for researchers to identify and discuss challenges in effective manual or automatic semantic annotation, and to critically examine and compare new and existing approaches and frameworks.
Call For Papers
Topics include, but are not llimited to:
- methodological aspects of semantic annotation
- design and evaluation of semantic annotation schemas
- combining annotations from different schemes
- innovative mthods for automated and manual annotation
- context-aware annotation learning
- integration of semantic annotation and other linguistic annotations
- considerations for merging annotations of different phenomena
- multi-layered annotations and representations
- levels of granularity in annotation schemes
- use of context in semantic annotation processes
- semantic annotation and representation and their interrelatedness
- uncertainty and ambiguity in annotations
- semantic annotation and ontologies
- comparison of semantic annotation schemes
- annotation experiments
- alternative approaches to the syntax and semantics of annotations
- annotator agreement and other metrics for evaluating semantic annotations
- qualitative evaluation of semantic annotations
- applications of semantic annotation
- best practices for semantic annotation procedures
- events and participants in annotation and visualisation
- application and evaluation of ISO standards for semantic annotation
- software tools to support semantic annotation
- lanugage- or application-specific aspects of semantic annotation
- capturing semantic information in images and video
- annotation, interpretation, and inference
- issues in the annotation of semantic information in specific domains, such as:
- events, states, processes, circumstances, facts
- space, motion event, dynamic scenes, and 3D objects as participants
- relations in discourse and dialogue
- modality, polarity, and factuality
- quantification and modification
- coreference relations
- semantic roles and predicate-argument structures
- reference and named entities
- attribution, sentiment, attitudes, and emotions
Submission information
Types of Submission
The following types of submission are invited:
- Research papers, describing original research in the area of semantic annotation; these can be either:
- long (6-8 pages, with additional pages for references references), or
- short (3-5 pages, plus references)
- Project notes, describing recent, ongoing or planned projects involving semantic annotation (3-5 pages including references).
The accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings, which will be made available in the ACL Anthology.
Submission and Style Files
Papers should be formatted following the common two-column structure as used by IWCS 2021 (borrowed from ACL 2021). Please use these specific style-files or the Overleaf template.
Style files:
Overleaf template:
Submission of papers is in PDF form using the
submission link.
Please indicate the type of submission by adding "(full paper)", "(short paper)", or "(project note)" to the title.
Reviewing will be double blind, so please make sure to anonymise your submission.
Important Dates
13 June |
Submission of papers and project notes for the main track |
1 August |
Notification of Acceptance |
24 August |
Submission of camera-ready material |
24 September |
ISA-21 Workshop |
Registration and venue
The ISA-21 workshop is hosted by the IWCS 2025 conference in Düsseldorf, Germany, see the IWCS 2025 conference website.
Further information:
For any questions contact the workshop chair, or check the workshop website.
Organizing Committee
- Harry Bunt
- Nancy Ide
- Kiyong Lee
- Volha Petukhova
- James Pustejovsky
- Laurent Romary
Program Committee
- Jan Alexandersson
- Maxime Amblard
- Johan Bos
- Harry Bunt (chair)
- Stergios Chatzykiriakidis
- Jae-Woong Choe
- Robin Cooper
- Rodolfo Delmonte
- David DeVault
- Simon Dobnik
- Jens Edlund
- Alex Fang
- Robert Gaizauskas
- Koiti Hasida
- Nancy Ide
- Elisabetta Jezek
- Nikhil Krishnaswamy
- Kiyong Lee
- Philippe Muller
- Rainer Osswald
- Catherine Pelachaud
- Volha Petukhova
- Massimo Poesio
- Laurent Prevot
- Stephen Pulman
- James Pustejovsky
- Laurent Romary
- Merel Scholman
- Purificação Silvano
- Manfred Stede
- Thorsten Trippel
- Carl Vogel
- Menno van Zaanen
- Annie Zaenen
- Heike Zinsmeister